Home Page

Welcome Page

Page of Greatness

Ultimate Page

Everything That Rules

Best Page Ever

Random Photo Page


Wicked sites

The Ultimate Free Website!

This is a website run by won stoopid guy with wun stoopid idea. Who wants to hear someones very biased opinion? Well if you're here then obviously you're ready for an oppinion that is overall always right. Which is my oppinion!


<----- This is me at my friends house. Wow, I must say, I'm awefully good-looking in this picture.

The Lighter Side of

For all those ladies out there; I enjoy drinking tea and coffee late at night, long walks on the beach, snuggling, buying dozens of roses, buying jewelry and expensive champagne,you can check us out at, and lastly I'm not egotistical.

Man; my bod is to perfect.


Feel free to use any of my pictures for wallpaper or etc.

This is my counter. Neat-o, huh?

Welcome To My Home Page

This site has zero games, zero cool sounds, and zero interactive objects. But, it's my website and it's fun to pretend that people care about my website. For all those people out there who have seen the greatness, I THANK THEE!

Feel free to post anything you desire. If you'd like to have a new category put in, just post the suggestion or e-mail me.

Stuff That Should Be On This Site
Do You Have Any Ideas
Sweet Video Games

Woohoo Ninjas Kick ASSSSSS

I'm a black belt and know multiple fighting styles. I know the normal fighting styles, but I also know the technique {Fighting style will remain nameless for the sake of my ninja order} that allows me to break your organs rather than your bones. Don't worry though, your bones will get a chance too.

The Link is for a really cool stick figure ninja fight scene. I didn't make it, but I wish I could.

Kick Ass Ninja Stick Fight

This Is Officially My Website

I finally have decided that Tony is no longer going to put forth any effort for this site... We will now sing a little song for him; Ding dong the witch is dead, the wicked witch, the wicked witch, ding dong the witch is dead, the wicked witch, the wicked witch.

E-Mail Me
If you'd like to tell me your oppinion(I don't care), make a suggestion, tell me how much my site rules, or (please) help me with my grammar. E-Mail me at .

I Rule