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Take a gander y'all.

Just the same-ol'-same-ol'

  "Oh Yeah!" *

How I love Kool-Aid. It's tasty, cheap, fun, and makes you think of summer. And Kool-Aid man is my hero, too. If you're a little kid, you should definately check out Kool-Aid. And if you're older, get it anyways because it's yummy.


*This is Tony's paragraph, I'm going to keep Kool-Aid man though, in memory of Tony(not that he's dead), this is known as TONY'S GREAT CONTRIBUTION!

I love you, Kool-Aid man.
  Hobo Gandalf

This is my great paint project. Actually, this took me about 10 minutes. But, I thought it was a pretty good paint job. Incase you didn't know, in New York there are a lot of bums who try to wash your wind shield without asking, then they expect you to pay them. If it was me, I'd have them do the works, then I'd drive away really fast.

No bums were harmed in the making of this paint picture.

Paint is still the coolest program.





I Rule