Food/Music/Games/Movies/etc. That I Like and Dislike...
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This is a more specific breakdown of likes and dislikes.

How I Rock. Okay, I might be ranting on, I might be annoying, but in the long run; I am always right. Kay? Yeah, admit to your defeat.

Bow Down Before Me

Matchbox Twenty

Like: The Lord of the Rings The Two Towers: Extended Edition is well worth a fanatics money. If you own the first extended version, you already know how awesome it is to see the behind the scenes movie experience. You can buy it for about (If you find a good deal), which means it's about more than the movie theater cut. If you take the extra 43 minutes in the movie (Making it just about 3 hours and 42 minutes long), the two extra discs of behind the sceneness, the DVD commentary from several different groups of people, and quite a few laughs from the actors, this movie is well worth it. I give The Lord of the Rings The Two Towers: Extended Edition (If it stood by itself as the movie) 9.8 out of 10.0, because it just wasn't as funny as the first extended version.  



Bean burrito- 69 cents                                         

Nacho Bell Grande- 2.49

Med. Cherry Coke- 99 cents

Rippin' one on your annoying brother- priceless

Tupac: Erection

Hey Tupac,"This is my story...about how much this movie is gonna suck." Hmmmm... haven't they already done about 20 friggin' documentaries on this never-ending subject. The only thing you could get from this movie is an erection from all the typical rap girl booties. Personally, I'm not a big fan of rap videos (unless it's late and Wild On! isn't on), they are pointless and you're not even listening to the song. Mainly because the songs go like this: Yo yo yo, I wuz back in da' alley throwin the dice, pigs rolled up and we dunned have to...ummmm...marijuana and crack cocaine, me and my homies from 6th Street be rollin' on dubs, yo yo yo. There's no chorus, nothing rhymes, and nothing makes sense, you just end up with wanksters (white guys who bought their Fubu clothes at Sears) who listen to the crap because they know that intercity black guys live on the stuff.

P.S. I actually recieved a rap deal from BadBoyz for my song I wrote up in the article.

P.P.S. See I do requests, even though this wasn't a request. I listen to things people have to say.

Scruff McGruff


Believe it or not, I actually like Scruff McGruff. You probably wouldn't think so, but that song is so friggin' catchy. Scruff McGruff, Chicago Illinois, 60652. Wow, it's stuck in my head again, NOOOOOO!!! But, Scruff is actually a pretty good role model, that is if you want to grow up to be crime fighting dog. Seriously, no one cares about getting some stupid magazine to learn about staying safe and not shooting up the heroin. Scruff, I like you, but lay off the anti-drug scheme, it's not working. Since they started the Scruff McGruff organization, the crime rate has sky rocketed over 32%. You might say it's the changing times, but actually it's that so-called "crime-fighting" dog.

Did you know that 3 out of every 4 people make up 75% of the population.

Did you know that 98% of our calculations are biased or made up.

Matrix Revolutions Lives Up to It's Name!


As a fighting movie that is. Wow, I was actually brain drained after Revolutions. Hmmmm... let's see; how does Neo defeat Agent Smith, what happens to Neo, what happens to Zion after the fight, and most importantly, why doesn't the Oracle ever explain anything? Neo gets about as much information from the Oracle as he would if he was talking to the rat next to her. I was talking to my friends about how they needed to make another movie called Matrix Revolutions: Understanding the Impossible. You just keep hoping to yourself that everything will fit together in the end, yeah, you were wrong. All that happens is that Trinity dies ( bad), Neo dies ( bad) and the Architect says he'll set everyone free ( bad). I'm going to be laying in bed every night thinking about what happens in the end, thanks a lot Wachowski brothers. But, like I said in the Reloaded review, there was a better fight scene. The "Fight for Zion" was by far the best big battle scene yet (I'm sorry Battle of Helm's Deep fans). All in all, Revolutions was a success, if only the robots didn't lie about stopping the fighting (Zion falls the next day so you know).


Help Pikachu make a stew, baby-sit Caterpie, find lost Poliwags, and even go on a treasure hunt, but best of all, help kill Pikachu. Now this would be a fun game. You could beat him with a ladel, you could beat Pikachu with Caterpie, beat him with dead Poliwags, beat him with a golden ladel, and lastly, take him out with an AK-47. It doesn't matter what you say into the microphone, just pickup any sharp object and beat away.

Die Pikachu, DIE!

Paint kicks so much ass.

Invade Canada


Invade Canada

This is one of the mottos that I live by. Does anyone like canada? Truthfully, I don't think canadians like canada. The land of wild country, the land of bears, and the land of zero development. Seriously though, they keep saying, "Oh canada is so much more beautiful than America.". Well let's see why: America needs room for companies and big business. We need room for neighborhoods and cities, we need room for crack houses, strip clubs, and wrestling rings. Truthfully, I hate all canadians, even Tom Green. This man used to be funny, until he made Freddy Got Fingered and sold out to MTV for a talk-show. All the old stunts and creative pranks, he was the original Jackass. But now, Tom Green has "Guests", these "Guests" don't cut it, they aren't funny and they bore the shiznat out of me. Wow, let's just invade Canada.

I call Quebec as my kindom!

P.S. I didn't capitilize canada on purpose, canada doesn't deserve to be capitilized. But, I will allow Mexico to be capitilized, that's JUST how much I hate canada.


I Kick Ass