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Even More Mattony

If you didn't think I had any more pictures, you were big time wrong.

Redneck Motel Sign

I was just thinkin' of things to make in paint while I was about to go to the bathroom at my friend's house. What else do I see, but a little sign on the door handle. So I decided it would be cool to have some kind of sign. Don't ask why my mind automatically went to a shotgun tied to the door handle, but all-in-all, this paint was a success.

Paint still rules.

I'd Like To Shove My Size 13s Up Osama's Ass

I don't care about all the "Remember September 11" crap. But, I hate Asama bin Laden with a passion, by passion I mean I hate him so much that I'd kill him for our country. From his stupid bed-sheat turban, to his ugly boots, I hate this sand-nigger. He attacks our country, then goes into hiding for several years. I really hope he had to go through a painful death, preferably a slow one. I mean he easily wins the "Biggest Douche in the Universe" award.

I have an idea, how about we make the "Great Wall of the Middle East". It would solve all of the world's problems. Here's a picture of it right now. -----_

Great Wall of the Middle East


I'm Better At Paint Than You

I was challenged to a paint duel the other day. Many people have never heard of paint dueling, it's where you take two pictures and put them together somehow in paint. I was challenged by my friend(he's the pic on top), it wasn't a direct challenge, but I saw it as one. He IM'ed me some pictures, then he suddenly puts on a cat with a blue mask and a small hatchet laying nowhere near the cat's hands. I was horrified by the picture, so I had to make it better, so here's my finished product(done in only 3 minutes). I'm very happy with the dripping blood effect.

Once again, I'm the champion of another Paint duel. VICTORY!


Anyone could go on for hours about their favorite South Park episode. But I have the solution, we just agree that South Park is the COOLEST. I got the idea from my buddy shizzle(Tribes2 name). I made a pretty funny Hitler picture in paint, but I just didn't really like it, cause Hitler was on it. It was actually the "Eat My Shorts Osama" until I changed that stoopid ass face. GODDDDDDDDDD, I even wrote an entire section about how I hated the Nazis, but they pissed me off so much that I actually refrained from placing the pic and the paragraph on my site. Nothing against South Park, I'm Catholic and they make fun of Catholicism all the time, I really don't care.

Shout out to my Homie- Shizzle

Stoopid Terrorists

Once again I felt challenged to a paint duel. This is once again a pic from my friend(same as the cat pic paint duel), it's on his site, it was funny but it lacked the good ol' paint touch. I showed this to Shizzle and he gave the classic LOL, it wasn't a lol, but a LOL, so I was excited. The pic only took me about 4 minutes to do, cause of the stoopid color of the turbins. But, the sand niggers turned out pretty well.

"Oh paint, how I love thee."


I Still Rule